1120 E Plainview Road Springfield, MO 65810

Sunday 9 & 10:30 a.m. | (417) 887-5625

The Advent of ...

4 Part Series

Series Description

In this series, we welcome different speakers each week to share with us their insight on hope, peace, joy, and love through the Advent Season.


Susan May

Grace Women's Ministry Leader

Thom Dawe

Marissa Dunn

Jack Gilbert (Alix)

NextGen Pastor

Scripture Reference

Luke, Matthew,


Advent 2024, Advent Candles, Advent of Hope, Advent of Peace, Advent Season, Christmas Advent 2024, grace417, grace417church, Hope, Pastor Susan May, Pastor Tim & Susan, Pastor Tim & Susan May, Pastor Tim and Susan May, Susan May, The Advent of Hope, The Advent of Joy, The Advent of Love, The Advent of Peace, Luke Chapter 1, Mary's Peace, Pastor Thom Dawe, The Advent Of, The Advent of Peace Thom Dawe, Advent of Joy Marissa Dunn, Guest Speaker Marissa Dunn, Marissa Dunn, Advent Candle Love, Jack Gilbert, Pastor Jack Gilbert,