1120 E Plainview Road Springfield, MO 65810

Sunday 9 & 10:30 a.m. | (417) 887-5625

Sunday, May 01, 2022

Session One - The Certainty of Loss

Tim May

Lead Pastor

The introduction to Ruth is difficult to read. Things go downhill really fast through the loss of Naomi’s husband and her two sons, leaving just her, Ruth and Orpah.

But, this situation isn’t too different for many of us. There has been some sort of traumatic event in our lives or in the lives of someone we know. And as we read through the book of Ruth, we are going to see many similarities in her life that match with ours.

Scripture Reference



book of Ruth, grace, Grace Church, Grace Church Book of Ruth, grace417, grace417church, gracechurch417, Naomi, Naomi & Ruth, Orpah, Pastor Tim, Pastor Tim May, Ruth, Ruth - The Certainty of Loss, Ruth as a Role Model, Ruth Chapter 1, The Certainty of Loss, Tim, Tim & Susan May, Tim and Susan May, Unexpected Loss, Unexpected Loss Unimaginable Blessing, Unimaginable Blessing