In This Series
- God's Promise
- Rated R for Redemption
- Preparing to Cross Your Jordan
- Stones of Remembrance
- Faithful First
- Positioned to Possess the Promise
- Who Fought the Battle of Jericho?
- Sin Will Get You Achan
- The Consequences of Sin
- Sunny Skies Ahead
- Failing Forward
- The Trouble with Common Sense
- Lessons from Joshua
- As For Me and My House
Series Info
Be Strong and Courageous (14)
Sunday, February 04, 2018
Stones of Remembrance
Jay & Heather Bean
Lead Pastor
Continuing our sermon series “Be Strong and Courageous,” Heather brings us a message that we all need to hear.
God does amazing things in our lives, and all too often those things can be forgotten. In this addition, Heather discusses with us the Stones of Remembrance from Joshua chapter 4. She shares a few testimonies of what God has done in her life and how writing these miraculous moments down and sharing them is something that we all should place a priority on.