1120 E Plainview Road Springfield, MO 65810

Sunday 9 & 10:30 a.m. | (417) 887-5625

In This Series

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The Advent of ... (4)

Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Advent of Love

Jack Gilbert (Alix)

NextGen Pastor

God loves you. And this is more than the love you have for a favorite meal, or your car, or any person on earth.

Pastor Jack shares how God’s love for you, and the sacrifice made through Jesus is the perfect example of love — for ALL of us.

Scripture Reference

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Advent 2024, Advent Candle Love, Advent Candles, Advent of Hope, Advent of Joy Marissa Dunn, Advent of Peace, Advent Season, Christmas Advent 2024, grace417, grace417church, Guest Speaker Marissa Dunn, Hope, Jack Gilbert, Luke Chapter 1, Marissa Dunn, Mary's Peace, Pastor Jack Gilbert, Pastor Susan May, Pastor Thom Dawe, Pastor Tim & Susan, Pastor Tim & Susan May, Pastor Tim and Susan May, Susan May, The Advent Of, The Advent of Hope, The Advent of Joy, The Advent of Love, The Advent of Peace, The Advent of Peace Thom Dawe