1120 E Plainview Road Springfield, MO 65810

Sunday 9 & 10:30 a.m. | (417) 887-5625

Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Foundation of Healing

Tim May

Lead Pastor

When it comes to healing our wounds, we have to remember to anchor ourselves in the truth of God’s Word. The Liar will try his best to convince us of doubt, fear, worry, or speak the fatal words that would cause us to pause, “Did God really say…?”

In this final session of “Healing Our Deepest Wounds,” Pastor Tim reminds us that it’s worth every opportunity to spend time in the word of God and to have a deep passion for the scriptures so that the culture of this world, or the lies of the enemy, don’t pull us away.

Scripture Reference

Amos, Genesis


Devotion, Devotions, Foundation of Healing, God's Healing Love, God's Word, grace, Grace Church, grace417, grace417church, gracechurch417, Healing, Healing Foundation, Healing Love, Healing Our Deepest Wounds, Healing Our Identity, Healing Our Love, Healing Our Purpose, Healing Purpose, Pastor Tim, Pastor Tim May, Tim, Tim & Susan May, Tim and Susan May