1120 E Plainview Road Springfield, MO 65810

Sunday 9 & 10:30 a.m. | (417) 887-5625

Barnabas: the subtle power of helping

4 Part Series

Series Description

Barnabas is a known apostle in the book of Acts, but what sets him apart from the others? Why is he called “the Son of Encouragement?”


Tim May

Lead Pastor

Scripture Reference



Acts Chapter 4, Acts Chapter 5, Barnabas, Barnabas Series, Barnabas Session One, Barnabas The Giver, Barnabas The Son of Encouragement, Book of Acts, Encouragement, Giving, July Series on Barnabas, Pastor Tim, Pastor Tim & Susan, Pastor Tim & Susan May, Paul and Barnabas, Series on Barnabas, Tithe, Acts, Acts Chapter 9, Apostle Paul, Apostle Paul Conversion, Barnabas Advocates for Saul Paul, Barnabas Session Two, Barnabas the Advocate, Early Church Course Change, grace, Grace Church, grace417, grace417church, Paul, Saul, Barnabas and Paul, Barnabas Antioch, Barnabas Journey, Barnabas Kingdom Minded, Barnabas Kingdom Vision, Barnabas Session Three, Barnabas the Helper, Grace Church Barnabas Series, Acts Chapter 11, Barnabas and John Mark, Barnabas Session Four, Book of Acts John Mark, book of mark, Gospel of Mark, John Mark,