1120 E Plainview Road Springfield, MO 65810

Sunday 9 & 10:30 a.m. | (417) 887-5625

Be Strong and Courageous

14 Part Series

Series Description

In this series we are exploring the book of Joshua, and the beginning and focus of this series is explained through Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”


Jay & Heather Bean

Lead Pastor

Hannah Vale

NextGen Pastor

Scripture Reference



Be Strong and Courageous, book of joshua, grace417, gracechurch417, Joshua, Joshua 1, Pastor Jay Bean, Joshua 2, rated r for redemption, Joshua 3, Heather Bean, faithful first, Joshua 5, Joshua 6, Joshua series, positioned to possess the promise, Joshua 7, sin will get you achan, Consequences of Sin, Joshua 10, Pastor Hannah Vale, Sunny Skies Ahead, failing foward, Joshua 8, Joshua 9, the trouble with common sense, Lessons from Joshua, As For Me and My House, Joshua 22, Joshua 23, Joshua 24,