In This Series
- A Fresh Start
- Truth and Conviction
- Indwelling and Sealing
- The Helper
- The Liberator
- The Cultivator
- The Baptizer
- The Baptizer, Part 2
- The Gift-Giver
- Vessels for His Use
Series Info

Life in the Spirit (10)
Sunday, October 24, 2021
The Baptizer

Tim May
Lead Pastor
We believe that the Holy Spirit IS our baptizer. And it’s not some strange or even awkward event only for those “elite” or select few Christians who are better than the rest. It’s for everyone and it’s a natural step in our growth as Christ-followers. But often times those who are baptized by the Spirit are flawed vessels and can often be tempted or confused in the Spirit’s expression or intention.
This Sunday, Pastor Tim helps us to bring clarity to the the words that Christ spoke regarding the Holy Spirit and reminds us that it’s important to trust in the Holy Spirit through all situations.