In This Series
- Broken Heroes
- One Generation
- The Honey Bee & The Mountain Goat - Part 1
- The Honey Bee & The Mountain Goat - Part 2
- Who Me? (Part 1)
- Who Me? (Part 2)
- Who Me? (Part 3)
- Samson - A Man Who Refused to Accept Limitations
- Identity and Destiny
- A Failure's Prayer
- Samson Syndrome
- The Problem With Revenge
- The Problem With Pride
- Bringing Down the House
Series Info
Broken Heroes (14)
Sunday, September 23, 2018
The Problem With Pride
Jay & Heather Bean
Lead Pastor
Continuing our look into Samson in Judges Chapter 15, we learn that Samson often isn’t all that different from us. Not only does he have an difficulties with revenge, but also with pride.
Pastor Jay helps us to see this perspective that God has for us and helps us to:
1) Remember what we are.
2) Remember why we are here.
3) Remember who we were created to worship and serve.