In This Series
- Session One - The Certainty of Loss
- Session Two - Faith and Faithfulness
- Session Three - Working While Waiting
- Session Four - Planting and Harvesting
- Session Five - Bold Positioning
- Session Six - A Slowly Unfolding Miracle
- Session Seven - The Benefit and Reach of Blessings
- Session Eight - The Redemptive Heart of God
Series Info

Ruth: Unexpected Loss. Unimaginable Blessing (8)
Sunday, May 08, 2022
Session Two - Faith and Faithfulness

Tim May
Lead Pastor
On this Mother’s Day, Pastor Tim looks at the relationship between Naomi and Ruth. Naomi’s life had a powerful impact on Ruth. So much that Ruth choose to leave all she knew to follow her mother-in-law. This devotion leads Ruth to Israel, and it’s there where the story of her faithfulness grows.