1120 E Plainview Road Springfield, MO 65810

Sunday 9 & 10:30 a.m. | (417) 887-5625

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Session 2: Story Proclaimed

Tim May

Lead Pastor

So often it’s expected that we have all the answers for all the questions people ask about our relationship with Jesus. But, that isn’t SO!

In Session 2, Pastor Tim encourages us to share our Grace Story and point every aspect of those stories to Jesus.

Engagement Questions:

1) Have you ever experienced others trying to “explain away” your spiritual transformation? How did you respond?

2) Has your walk with Christ caused “division” between you and others? How have you sought to reach across the divide? This week, where might you be able bridge the distance with someone you’re far away from?

Scripture Reference

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Grace Church, Grace Stories, Grace Story Proclaimed, grace417, grace417church, gracechurch417, Pastor Tim, Pastor Tim May, Stories Proclaimed, Story, Story Proclaimed, Tell Your Grace Stories, Tell Your Grace Story, Tim, Tim & Susan May, Tim and Susan May, Your Story